Anthropology and Dark Tourism in Thailand

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Piyarat Panlee


Tourism is a major source of income and plays an important role in the global economy. At the same time, tourism also plays an important role in social and cultural change, from becoming a tourist attraction, accommodation, travel route, organizing activities to emergence of shops, restaurants and the creation of what is now known as the tourism facilitation area. Therefore, when tourist travel is increasing there is still a change in the form or the emergence of new forms of tourism. This affects society and people's lives in one way or another such as the emergence of Dark Tourism. Dark Tourism is when tourists go to a place full of melancholy due to human tragedy or disaster whether caused naturally or by human action. It is classified as special interest tourism but does not receive enough interest from the field of anthropology. This paper aims to explore the relationship between anthropological studies and dark tourism. It also aims to review the existing literature of the anthropology of tourism and the anthropology of death by asking two questions: (a) How do anthropologists understand this field from an interdisciplinary point of view across boundaries; and (b) what might the methodology be?

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Panlee, P. (2022). Anthropology and Dark Tourism in Thailand: . Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 5(2), 101–130. Retrieved from
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