Boundary line and sharing space and time between the ghost and the Tai Dam people in Kalohong

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Thanida Boonwanno


The objective of the article is presenting its preliminary field study about sharing space in the same house between the dwellers and the ancestral ghosts haunted in Kalohong (a sacred ancestral ghost space in Tai Dam’s house) during the profane time of everyday life and the sacred time of ghost offering rites. The author conducted a preliminary fieldwork in 10 kalohongs in Khui Yang village of Bang Rakam district in Phitsanulok province for finding out three main questions. Firstly, what is the demarcation line between human space and ghost space through the study of kalohong? Secondly, what are the structures behind the sharing space in the same house between human and ghost? Thirdly, what is the social and symbolic relationship of sharing space in the same house between human and ghost? This study was designed

under reviewing and constructing a conceptual framework through the works of Eliade (1961), Smith (1987) and Segaud (2012). The primary findings will explain why some ordinary or profane space became sacred space like kalohong. Besides, it will propose some preliminary findings about socio-temporal structure and relations behind kalohong.

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How to Cite
Boonwanno, T. (2022). Boundary line and sharing space and time between the ghost and the Tai Dam people in Kalohong. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 5(2), 131–160. Retrieved from
Research Article


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