The Clove Country of Cosmas Indicopleustes The “Inter-island Sea” of Southeast Asia in the Sixth Century CE

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Trongjai Hutangkura


The Christian Topography written by Cosmas Indicopleustes demonstrates a worldview of the Flat Earth believed by Christians of the sixth century CE, and informs that Sri Lanka was a trading center between the East and the West, with the “Clove Country” as a transit point between Sri Lanka and China. Could the “Clove Country” be in maritime areas of Southeast Asia? The objective of this research was to translate the relevant content into Thailand to interpret the location of the “Clove Country” by comparing and interpreting the translated data with the data in other ancient documents. The results showed that (1) the “Clove Country” may correspond to “Dvīpāntara” of ancient Indian documents,

which has been inherited and translated into ancient Javanese worldview as the  name “Nūṣāntara”, and (2) the “Clove Country” may be located in “inter-island seas” of the Lower South China Sea and the Java Sea, which is supported by traces found in ancient Arab and Chinese documents. Appearance of the “Clove Country” in the 6th century CE is evidence of a worldview change within the network of maritime trade, from the “Golden Geography” of the Indo-Roman maritime trade, which has been faded since the

3rd century CE, into the “Sea of Spices” of Arabo-Persian maritime trade, which began to appear in at least the 6th century CE.

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How to Cite
Hutangkura, T. (2022). The Clove Country of Cosmas Indicopleustes: The “Inter-island Sea” of Southeast Asia in the Sixth Century CE. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 5(2), 161–240. Retrieved from
Research Article


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