Peering World into Thai What Happens to (Thai) Social Science?

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Whisut Vejvarabhorn


Thai Social Science was influenced by western world where social inquiries originated. However, the status and knowledge of Thai social science fall into question. Amid the context of globalized world, where does Thai social science stand? What is the character of Thai social science? And why has it become like that? To answer these questions, this article examines the evolution of social science between the Western world and Thailand, arguing that the development of Thai social science resulted from the collision of social and political contexts during the Cold War. While Western social science advances, Thai social science lags behind. The personality received during the Cold War period becomes mainstream social science until now, with government support. Generating social research in other ways appears unimportant. As a result, there is a knowledge imbalance and a reverse status in comparison to western social science. 

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How to Cite
Vejvarabhorn, W. (2023). Peering World into Thai: What Happens to (Thai) Social Science?. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 6(2), 179–234. Retrieved from
Academic Article



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