When Mê Một Speak The Structure of Feeling and Local Idioms in Chà ChiêngRitualof the Tai in Vietnam in the Context of Commodification of Natural Resources

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Achariya Choowonglert


The Land Law of 1996 empowered Vietnamese households to manage and affirm their rights and obligations to land (forest) use. Additionally, the 1991 Law on Forest Protection and Development (amended 2004) prescribed the management and use of the land's (forests) resources. Controversially, the Vietnamese state's developmental discourse for territorial transformation of its forest
industry zones signifies forest management at the hand of the state and the investors. This posture demonstrates the economic policy to convert natural resources into a commodity. However, the local communities and the state's industry development contradict each other's approach to managing natural resources.

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How to Cite
Choowonglert, A. (2023). When Mê Một Speak: The Structure of Feeling and Local Idioms in Chà ChiêngRitualof the Tai in Vietnam in the Context of Commodification of Natural Resources. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 6(1), 13–64. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jasac/article/view/266732
Research Article


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