From “Kathoey” to “Phuying-kham-phet” Discursive Transformation of Gender Identity in Thailand

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Cheera Thongkrajai


“Phuying-kham-phet” appeared to the Thai public for
the first time in 2010 in a TV show. Nok Yollada explained that she was a phuying-kham-phet, a woman trapped in a male body. Her condition was to be considered as a pathology having be cured. After this public appearance, there were a lot of debates, negatively criticizing the category “phuying-kham-phet”. Most of these reactions disapproved her female identity because “kathoey”
is always a kathoey. This article aims to understand the meaning transformation from “Kathoey” to “Phuying-kham-phet” by examining academic texts, printed and digital media, in order to capture the transformations of gender identity conception which had been influenced by Gender self-determination concept. This article argues that the emergence of “phuying-kham-phet” was an
attempt to conquer women identity and be free from the sphere of “Kathoey”.

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How to Cite
Thongkrajai, C. (2023). From “Kathoey” to “Phuying-kham-phet” Discursive Transformation of Gender Identity in Thailand. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 6(1), 143–182. Retrieved from
Research Article


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