Roots and Paradigm of community-based Research with Social Change

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Utis Tahom


This paper presents the foundations and research paradigms for local and social change found in the community-based research's philosophical principles. General effects of the social justice movement are classified in the critical paradigm, which emphasis on dialectics and dialogue. The goal is to seek knowledge for liberation. Humans are free from domination, but create
equality to bring about social change. Community-based research was influenced by social movements in the 1960s and 1970s that sought to justify and liberate the oppressed in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. For Community-based Research (CBR), focuses on working with the underprivileged, people who are oppressed
in various fields such as gender, color of skin, ethnicity, indigenous peoples, and people in rural areas, etc. This type of research has 4 principles: 1) The research problems are from the community, 2) The villagers are researchers, 3) People help each other to solve the problems, and 4) Building a network of cooperation towards expected results. The assessment of social change for this kind of research can be divided into three categories: micro,
medium, and macro with a focus on capacity building, effectiveness enhancing, and empowering communities and society towards goals that require social change.

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How to Cite
Tahom, U. (2023). Roots and Paradigm of community-based Research with Social Change. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 6(1), 183–220. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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