Anthropology of Clothing and Fashion: Concepts and Applications

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Piyarat Panlee


This article examines the relationships between clothing,
fashion, and culture from an anthropological perspective. Divided into four sections, the article begins by focusing on the anthropological study of clothing and fashion. The second section describes concepts used in the study of clothing and fashion, while the third explores the connection between the fashion industry and ethical ideas. In the fourth section, the study of clothing and fashion in relation to current challenges is covered. The significance of this paper is to suggests that the anthropology of clothing and fashion is a dynamic field, allowing anthropologists to connect and broaden their approach to these topics. It offers a unique perspective on clothing and fashion-related concerns that have previously been examined in other sub-disciplines and fields. In the spite of the growing recognition and appreciation of anthropology of clothing
and fashion as an interdisciplinary approach, further discussion is required to push the limits of knowledge and contribute to the debate on concepts and applications. Furthermore, this paper suggests that researchers and stakeholders are required to share best practices and enhance knowledge exchange to develop their own methodologies that are particularly suited to their own
complex subject matter.

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How to Cite
Panlee, P. (2023). Anthropology of Clothing and Fashion: Concepts and Applications. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 6(1), 221–260. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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