"Kien Trakool" Community History and Bangkok Local Museum Bang Phlat

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Poom Putimahtama
Narupron Parnichkarn


This article aims to study the role and relationship of family groups in Klong Bang Chak, Bang Phlat district. The goal is to find possible information which can be used to link the relationships between Bangkok Local Museum Phra Nakhon District and people in its surrounding areas. The study begins by gathering information from the book " Kien Trakool Boonbongkan - Darasawasdee Jangwangsin - Nang Chei Boonbongkan," published in 2014, within the family descendants, coupled with field research using survey methods, interviews with community members, and additional archive documents to gather information on family history and kinship systems in the Klong Bang Chak area. This information reflects the community's historical and cultural aspects, contributing to supporting the local museum in Bangkok, Bang Phlat district, and finding ways to involve the community in various museum activities based on the knowledge and perspectives related to this local museum.

Through extensive study, it has indicated that many prominent families have played an important role in Klong Bang Chak area. Many families are very tight and have worked closely and actively in the area. Some of the relationships are based on marriages between families and through work aspects. They are reciprocally connected. The relationship was formed by various work aspects in the community, alumni of Wat Pao Ro Hit or Rachathiwat school or the participation of religious ceremonies. The information which has been gathered from various families can be used to enhance our knowledge academically in the future. Access to information can be utilized to effectively exhibit the museum and to promote more involvement of its people in the surrounding area which is the basic cultural foundation to maximize growth in the neighborhood.

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How to Cite
Putimahtama, P., & Parnichkarn, N. (2024). "Kien Trakool" Community History and Bangkok Local Museum Bang Phlat. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 7(1). Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jasac/article/view/268347
Research Article


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