Students’ motivation and Chinese learning strategies at Maejo University


  • แพรวา รัตนทยา คณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยแม่โจ้


Chinese learning motivation, Chinese learning strategies


          The research aims to study Students’ motivation towards studying Chinese language and Chinese learning strategies at Maejo University. The samples group were 19 students from faculty of Liberal Arts, majoring their in English and school of Tourism Development. The samples were divided into two main groups based on their learning performance. According to the Students’ learning performance statistics in academic year 2018. There were 5 students who received an excellent level (grade A) in Chinese language, and another 4 students who received unsatisfied level (grade D). In terms of faculty of Tourism Development, there were 5 students who obtained an excellent level (grade A) in Chinese language and 5 students who obtained unsatisfied level (grade D). The enrolled in Chinese language class at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Maejo University in the first Semester of academic year 2018. The researcher applied in-depth interview in order to examine the students' motivation and their Chinese learning strategies.

          According to the results, it was found that students were motivated to learn Chinese and they used various Chinese learning strategies. The most significant of learning Chinese was from external factors, that was, students had their Chinese basic knowledge before enrolling in university level. Thus, students used various Chinese learning strategies such as Chinese scripts writing, and self-learning.

          The results of this study showed the factors of students’ motivation toward of Chinese language learning and Chinese learning strategies at Maejo University. It can be implemented teachers, as the guideline for designing and important the lessons in order to enhance students’ Chinese ability.


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Journal of Local Management and Development Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University Vol 1 No 1 2021


