
  • Rujira Rikharom Rikharom


Ethics necessary, Human resources in the organization, Ethic, Ethical management


Ethics are essential for human resources in an organization. Able to create values method use a guide to good behavior in accordance basic with ethical principles with brain intellectual, emotional and feely. Born from the use of moral spirituality. In born from the use of moral spirituality, the middle way, the relationship between need and reasoning. The aim of life and the ethical philosophy for living together with the social network of infinite change on this world is appear. The focusing on the conceptual in idea, decisions to demeanor with carefully consideration on being a good person and being a talent. So that an enable the human beings in the organization to see the path of the true good people and to act without impurity, leading to stability in the future with dignity. Which a adheres to four principles of ethics: 1) utilitarianism to consider in deed, 2) right to top line of holding individuals or groups of people, 3) fairness, compliance with fair agreements and 4) the golden rule to regard Affecting others with deep care. In addition, the ethics testing has five key guidelines: 1) Common sense test, consider the implications of this decision. 2) Test your best actions, considering ethical principles 3) Public disclosure test to consider appearing in the news media to the eyes of people around the world. 4) Test filtering, consider multiple perspectives from acknowledging and hearing opinions of society and the public; and 5) test pure thoughts, consider the prudence according to the truth, without the influence of self-dominating authority and force.


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Journal of Local Management and Development Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University Vol 1 No 1 2021


