A study of the severity of bullying behavior among students in schools. Secondary School, Mueang District, Phitsanulok Province


  • อนุรักษ์ จันทร์รอด หลักสูตรสังคมสงเคราะห์ศาสตรบัณฑิต


Bullying Behavior, Violence, High School


This research has educational objectives 1. To study the characteristics of bullying
behavior 2.To study the severity of bullying behavior 3. To study the factors affecting the
bullying behavior In secondary schools, Muang district, Phitsanulok province was a quantitative
research. (Quantitative research) in which the researcher collected data using a questionnaire
with a sample of students in secondary schools in Mueang Phitsanulok District. 350 sets of
Mathayomsuksa 1 to Year 6 levels were analyzed by statistical data. including mean,
percentage, standard deviation.
The results revealed that the most common patterns and characteristics of bullying
behavior are as follows: 1. Speech bullying behavior patterns 82.0 percent were bullied in the
form of teasing, gossip and teasing. followed by physical bullying behavior patterns 68.0 percent
said they had experienced physical bullying. which is bullied in the manner of tapping, hitting,
pushing, the relationship model of bullying behavior 45.0 percent said they had been
correlated. which was bullied in the manner of bullying by using a group of friends to pressure
them to separate from the group Using a group of friends to spread rumors to be
misunderstood in a negative light and by using a group of friends to condemn, blame, do not
let friends close In the severity level, the number of times of being bullied was found. Students
were subjected to physical, verbal, and relational bullying at least once a week. and up to
more than 5 times a week As for the factors affecting the bullying, it was found that the family
factor found that The student had been immediately beaten by his family when he made him
angry. with the highest average of 3.58 and students were used to be compared to students
who are inferior to those in their family with an average of 3.37 The mean was at a moderate
level of 3.37 and the group of students liked to use force to bully others. with a moderate
mean of 3.36 and the students' friends acted as class residents. The mean was at a moderate
level 3.36 media environment factors. Students read violent manga and use it in real life. with
the highest average of 3.54


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