Risk Management and Human Resource Management in Sustainable Organizations



Risk Management, Human Resource Management (HRM), COSO Enterprise Risk Management (COSO ERM)


This article is focus on the process of the sustainability management in private organization in Thailand by using “COSO Enterprise Risk Management” (COSO ERM). Which is the process from 3 groups of people include Chief Executive, Executive Committee, and all of employee in the organization are participating and taking action to the risk together for the surviving of the organization and making high profit in the future by using this management system. Moreover, this process has to continue improve in order to fix and solve the problem suddenly when the organization is in unexpected situation or crisis. Therefore, the risk management is necessary and fit for all type of the organization form in Thailand, because if there is no this process, the crisis from unexpected situation would affect to the organization as well. For example, The Change of Customer Needs in the globalization, Climate Change, and The Pandemic of the Corona Virus (Covid-19).


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