Public Administration in the Digital Age : Case Study of Digital ID Card


  • Kanlayanee Kaewmueng Public Administration of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


Digital ID card, Government Sectors, Digital Technology, Administration, Application


Academic article on public administration in the digital age: Digital ID card. The author of the article aims to study the era of change in the administration of government agencies in how the adoption of digital technology has benefits, advantages and disadvantages by studying the evolution of national ID cards. It was found that Thai national ID cards have evolved in all 5 generations. The first generation of ID cards has been developed since the year 1914 until the present generations. The change of the ID card has developed in a better way with a chip implanted to read data and continuously develop into the use of ID cards to verify identity through D.DOPA application instead of using the original card. In the first phase, it will be used with agencies in the Ministry of Interior, and the government agencies bring digital technology to use in public services. Verification of identity with digital ID cards resulted in public administration being more convenient, comfortable and more accurate. In addition, people can use the service conveniently. This results in a good direction for government services. Likewise, the arrival of technology certainly has advantages, whether it is providing services to the public that are convenient, comfortable, faster and more accurate in supporting safety. Otherwise, there are disadvantages like factors that enable people inaccessible such as age, learning to use technology, etc. Therefore, government agencies are constantly evolving in order to keep up with and support changes.


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