The Lusheng and the Beliefs of the Hmong People: The Case Study of the Phu Thap Boek area, Lom Kao District, Phetchabun Province


  • chutikan Sawetrungrueng Bachelor of Arts Social Development Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Naresuan University
  • Thuntima Sukkerd Bachelor of Arts Social Development Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Naresuan University
  • Rudklaw Pampasit Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Naresuan University


Lusheng, Belief, Hmong



The objective of this paper is to present the result on studying the use of lusheng, a Hmong musical instrument, in rituals and beliefs from birth to death. The qualitative research methodology was applied by utilizing the semi-structure interview to collect the data from 3 groups of informants including the community leaders, the experts on lusheng, and the people in the community. The study found that the inheritance of musical culture of the Hmong people within Phu Thap Boek area has existed since their forerunner migrated to this area more than 100 years ago. It has been passed down from generation to generation and deemed as a valuable cultural heritage to bestow on their grandchildren. The songs played by lusheng are categorized into 2 types: 1) the songs for sending the spirit that are played at the funeral ceremony to express the relationship between the human and the spiritual world, and 2) the songs for the entertainment such as the Hmong’s new year, the wedding etc. Despite the social and cultural change within the community in various dimensions, the tradition of playing lusheng as a part of the funeral ceremony still remains strong since the Hmong believes in spirits. It is believed that if someone dies, the lusheng must be played immediately at the funeral in order to communicate with the spirit of the deceased. And the songs from lusheng will point the way for the departed souls to be with their ancestors or heaven. Nowadays, it was found that within Phu Thap Boek area the number of those who can play lusheng are declining as well as the inheritance of playing lusheng is unpopular among new generation. Hence, the conservation and promotion of playing lusheng among new generation as well as the provision of learning center and exhibition room for lusheng in the community for the visitors are highly recommended.

Keywords: Lusheng, Belief, Hmong


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