Development of Hemp Products: A Case Study of the Hemp Community Enterprise Group in Phop Phra District, Tak Province


  • Sirinee Wongwilairat Lecturer in the Faculty of Business Administration Northern College
  • Walailak Punture Lecturer in the Faculty of Business Administration Northern College


Hemp, Cultural capital, Hmong


             The research project "Development of Products from Hemp: A Case Study of the Hemp Community Enterprise Group in Phop Phra District, Tak Province" has the following objectives: 1) To study the knowledge of the Hmong ethnic community in Phop Phra District, Tak Province, regarding the cultivation, weaving of hemp fibers, and production of hemp products. 2) To develop hemp products through cooperation between educational institutions and local network partners. 3) To develop entrepreneurs and community innovators by enhancing their knowledge and skills in communication, marketing communication, and online marketing of hemp products. This research uses the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method, which includes reviewing related literature and research, conducting field surveys, and performing in-depth interviews using semi-structured interview guides. A total of 50 key participants, divided into four groups, were selected through purposive sampling: 1) government officials, 2) community leaders, 3) entrepreneurs, and 4) community members. Workshops were organized to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaborative brainstorming for developing hemp products. The research findings indicate that:

             1.The community possesses extensive knowledge of hemp cultivation and processing. There are local experts and community members, and even schools provide support and education on hemp cultivation and processing to students. The lifestyle connected to weaving hemp fibers among the Hmong ethnic group in Khiri Rat Sub-district, Phop Phra District, Tak Province, reflects their beliefs, faith, customs, and traditions. It also showcases the unique processes and methods of weaving and fiber extraction specific to each community. This has become "local wisdom," encompassing knowledge and skills combined with values and beliefs about the relationship between people and nature, as well as between people and the supernatural. These are conveyed through traditional customs, ways of life, livelihoods, and various rituals, which are considered a cultural heritage passed down through generations. This heritage highlights the community's unique identity and its connection to nature through local wisdom, making it worthy of learning and continued promotion and support.

           2.The development of hemp products and the benefits of hemp have resulted in a diverse range of products, utilizing all parts of the hemp plant. The developed products include hemp bar soap, hemp liquid soap, hemp shampoo, hemp serum, hemp face mask, hemp matcha, handcrafted auspicious items, clothing such as robes and fashion outfits, hemp balm, embroidered hemp fiber wallets, and hemp fabric shoulder bags.

          3.The results of the marketing training provided to the group of innovators included the creation of a website for the hemp entrepreneurs group, named Additionally, a brand was developed through the design of a logo, which was a collaborative effort between the institute and the group of innovators. The brand is named "Phop Gan."



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