Review Knowledge about the State, the Legal State, and the Rule of Law


  • Yutthasart Norkaew Faculty of Political and Public Administration, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Pholmat, Rule of Law


         This article Aims at reviewing knowledge about the definition of the state, the Legal State, and the rule of law by studying secondary data, including books, textbooks, and various types of academic documents on the issue of the meaning of the state. State elements Concepts and theories regarding the origins of the state, the development of statehood, state form, as well as "Legal State" and "rule of law" as basic information for study. “Modern nation-state” is the most internationally accepted political framework today. Because the state is a political mechanism that requires sovereignty over territory in a territory that is spatially definite. To lead to an administration that is directly under the control of the central government within the state with unity and completeness in itself. That other states from outside cannot claim sovereignty over the territory. In addition, the Legal State and the rule of law are important principles that emphasize the sanctity of the law over individuals and political institutions. It is considered a basic principle in the general administration of government within the state that affects the establishment of various types of political institutions that exercise sovereignty within the state on behalf of the citizens.


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