Good Faith Principles and Sustainable Organization Management

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Siri Pantar


        Being an organization executive must have both science and art in administration. Including methods of management with integrity Management with expertise in management can integrate management in a variety of ways. However, when applying the principles of good faith to sustainable management of the organization Therefore, the management approach which consists of By laying the foundation of personnel suitable for the job 3. the administration of personnel with integrity Is a creative organization management method Adjust the work process to be diverse. 4. honesty There are steps and steps to perform in accordance with the regulations of the organization. 5. Coordination with integrity Is creating a neutral work norm. 6. reporting with integrity Present with real information according to the procedures and processes of the work. 6. Budgeting with honesty. He informed the process of budgeting in the organization management, not being honest, transparent, verifiable.

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How to Cite
Pantar, S. . (2016). Good Faith Principles and Sustainable Organization Management. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 1(1), 1–6. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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