The Creation Of Freedom Under Authoritarian Authority

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Wichit Muntakuthong


        This article will show about freedom in Thailand. The first issue is important. Humans generally see the world limited. And see the world differently Based on the ideas contained in the person's self However, regardless of how different people see the world, most tend to believe that the world they see is the real world and then produce their own opinions to confirm their eyes. Including ready to argue Even arguing with others because of disagreements

        Humans generally see the world limited. And see the world differently It depends on the ideas that are in him. However Regardless of how different people see the world Most of them tend to believe that the world they see is the real world and then produce opinions that confirm their eyes. Including ready to argue Even arguing with others because of disagreements may seem like a long time, but compared to some countries that take a hundred years But it seems that Thai politics have not yet developed in any direction Some scholars have said that because The public is not yet ready. Still do not know how to exercise the right to use his own power in his hand In choosing one's own representative

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How to Cite
Muntakuthong , W. . (2016). The Creation Of Freedom Under Authoritarian Authority. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 1(1), 7–15. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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