Atlantic City Perspective Fundamentally Changing Thai Government

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Supachat Singsamrong


        Democratic politics in academic principles Or ideal It is politics that gives people the rights, duties, and freedom of the people in choosing people they see to have morality, ethics, knowledge, and ability to go into the national administration to play a role in order to make people eat well and be happy in general.

        A country with complete democracy Or almost complete With politicians with morality, morality and integrity managing the country Most of them are developed countries. Regardless of America, England, Australia, Germany, that is because people in those countries have equal social opportunities. Whether it is an opportunity to receive news Educational opportunity Career opportunities to earn enough income And the opportunity to receive social welfare equally Causing the majority of people in those countries, most of whom are middle class people, who have a quality of life that is very different to the people in the developing world And most importantly, the people in those countries understand the rights and duties that do not violate the rights of others Know how to protect and prevent anyone from violating their rights

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How to Cite
Singsamrong, S. . (2016). Atlantic City Perspective Fundamentally Changing Thai Government. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 1(1), 16–27. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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