Analyze The Intent Of Writing A Constitution Between Dictatorship And Democracy

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Kiangkai Wangwichai


        Analyze the intent of writing a constitution between dictatorship and democracy. Analyzing that authoritarian regime Is a rule under the management of a single person As a parent Have the right to manage Manage all alone Fully competent Without having to listen to the voice of the majority of people (Military dictatorship) and totalitarian dictatorship

        The military dictatorship is the rule of power. The state law or the highest law of the country that defines the rules of supremacy in the state, such as the formulation of the regime, formulation, form and use of sovereignty. Determine the rights and duties of the people As well as state policy guidelines The spirit of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand Has defined the form of the state and the head of government (one government) using sovereignty In all territories or territories People are under the rule of the same government.

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How to Cite
Wangwichai, K. . (2016). Analyze The Intent Of Writing A Constitution Between Dictatorship And Democracy. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 1(2), 18–24. retrieved from
Academic Article


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