The Survival Of Buddhism, The Current Thai Political Foundation

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Phra Sumet Sumetho


        The survival of Buddhism on the current Thai politics Must consist of 4 Buddhist companies, namely monks, nuns, worshipers, and worshipers in Thailand who accept the principles Teaching in Buddhism for a long time, Thai society stepped into the current era of globalization. Resulting in the Thai society having to face crisis in many areas such as political crisis, economy, society, environment As long as the whole Buddhist company Still consists of faith in Buddhism In addition, Jariyathat, the moral discipline As appropriate to his status As long as the teaching of the Lord Buddha is still in existence The survival of Buddhism will have a point to point out. Those who see the value of the Lord God Can protect the Buddha's teachings in Buddhism like this

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How to Cite
Sumetho, P. S. . . (2017). The Survival Of Buddhism, The Current Thai Political Foundation. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 2(1), 16–26. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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