The Relationship Between Economic Politics And Government

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Khankit Siriphuntrap


        Politics, government and economics are intertwine interconnected. Political politics may lead to economic changes. And vice versa, the economy will lead to political change But apart from politics, society is another variable That is part of both political and economic changes, that is, when the economy changes, society will change according to the new structure of the economy Or when politics changed Society will change according to the political system. Conversely, if society changes due to Economic or political changes Will affect the way Politics and economy Or both, the broader scope of the structure, which is politics, society and economy There is no cross-over interaction Depends on which of the variables in which period is the main variable

        But must understand that the above mentioned variables may be influenced by variables that are currently secondary variables such as industrial development as the main variable of change But industrial development is the result of changing the way Politics with freedom of thought and research At the same time, political change brought Leading to social change that makes people brave and express their opinions until they are found Steam machine Leading to economic changes Which results in a return Political and social change And in one sense, all three variables Often have dynamic changes at the same time or overlap

        Another important variable, one of the most important variables is Science and technology changes From the unknown, using modern tools Came to the use of energy-saving devices that use energy from inanimate things, ie steam engines and oil-walking machines, leading to economic changes And when economic changes Also affect social change When the social economy changes due to Technology has led to changes in the thinking of people in society. When ideas change Will lead to changing world views and changing actions especially Science and technology will lead to social technology changes, such as management. Living together by peaceful process to resolve conflicts When this happens, all 5 important variables are politics, society, economy, science and technology. Which leads to the most important variable is the human mind And this is the 5 most important variables that lead to changes in the major organizations in society. Therefore, the relationship between political and economic variables Therefore must be extended to include 3 other variables as mentioned above, but most of these variables are often assumed to be understood as part of the change Political and economic

        The analysis of the relationship between political and economic variables must therefore take into account the above facts. In this article, try to point out the changes. In Thai society that is influenced by such variables Which will be a broad analysis of the evolution of history in Thai society But can be used as a base for Analysis and visualization of the future

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How to Cite
Siriphuntrap, K. . (2017). The Relationship Between Economic Politics And Government. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 2(2), 19–32. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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