State And Organization Of The State

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Siri pantar


The state is a political community that consists of territories that have absolute territory.

        Has a population under Executive of the government, which uses independent sovereignty over the people. By being accepted by external communities The most important element that makes society a state is sovereignty, with elements of the state, population, territory, government, sovereignty.

        With forms and duties of the state Single state or state State or federal state Government regulation Important governing institutions within the state are: 1. Head - may be the King or President 2. Parliament - legislate and control the government 3. Government - administrate the country and enforce the law 4. Courts - decide various cases according to the laws In principle, the use of power in governing, centralization, decentralization Power separation The government generally has four important duties: 1. Protect and maintain the peace of the country as follows. 2. Provide essential services to society. 3. Promote and control the production, distribution. 4. Conduct income distribution of individuals. As an intermediary

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How to Cite
pantar, S. . (2018). State And Organization Of The State. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 3(1), 28–42. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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