The Relationship Between Politics And Sociology

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Panya Phonphisut


        Sociology is a subject that studies all societies by considering the structural changes. And competition or various social problems Human subjects Which is a field that is closely related to sociology, studying various subjects about human beings and political science subjects, requires the results and content of such subjects because the state is closely related to society, community and human beings. That the influence of factors or social elements such as culture will directly affect people's behavior Therefore, in order to understand the political behavior, problems or political situation, it is necessary to adopt the principles of society.

        Sociology and political science is a study of people who are not alone but living with others. Affecting the relationship of people and social phenomena, everything that appears In a relationship Between all humans By trying to keep the rules or general rules about that phenomenon For this reason, political sociology has contributed to the expansion of the study of political science from the study of "state" until the power of education. Linked to social factors and have ideas about the relationship between politics and society. Together according to social circumstances in each era Or the connection between academics and social authorities

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How to Cite
Phonphisut, P. . (2018). The Relationship Between Politics And Sociology. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 3(1), 43–56. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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