Principles Of Management According To The Strategic Plan

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Phattana Saengmaneeknotr


        Strategic plan management requires a thought process, planning, organization, personnel management, supervision, enforcement, reporting, budgeting, coordination, control, decision making and policy. The process is a way to formulate a vision strategy. Strategic issues, goals, indicators, goals, strategies Therefore, with the method of writing a strategic map, it is to apply different concepts to focus on the importance. The administration of the government will focus on success in various areas, namely, effectiveness. Service quality Efficiency Organizational development The above steps have a process design methodology: 1. Planning 2. Implementation of the plan 3. Monitoring of the operation plan 4. Improvement

        Determining the project to achieve in the action plan For the strategy to be implemented Regarding projects that are in line with strategic and strategic issues There must be a process of administration according to the new strategic plan consisting of: 1. Organizational structure management 2. Modification of the system of procedures / methods of operation 3. Arrangement of manpower and packing rates, appointment, transfer of new personnel 4. Development of skills, knowledge, abilities and attitudes of personnel in various departments

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How to Cite
Saengmaneeknotr, P. . (2018). Principles Of Management According To The Strategic Plan. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 3(2), 1–15. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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