The Guidelines for Application of Buddhist Principles in Resolving the Problem of Teachers Debt under the Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 5

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Saipawee Peakamen
Phra Soponphattanabundit
Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan
Phramaha Samrong Saññato


        The aims of this research were: 1) to study the principles of Buddhism about the ways to solve the debt problems; 2) to study the conditions of the debt problems of the teachers under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area 5; 3) to propose guidelines for application of the Buddhist principles to resolve the debt problems of teachers under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 5. This study was carried out by means of a mixed research methodology (quantitative and qualitative research). The tools used in the research were questionnaires and interview forms. The samples consisted of 118 teachers in Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 5. By purposive sampling, 21 of those in Khon Kaen Educational Service Area Office 5 from 7 districts were selected based on their debt problems to respond to the interview forms. The quantitative data were statistically analyzed by Mean and Standard Deviation; while the qualitative data were analyzed by the descriptive analysis method.

        The research results are as follows: The principles of Buddhism about the ways to solve the debt problems of the teachers consist of Four Gharāvāsa Dhammas (Virtues for a Good Household Life) (Sacca: Honesty; Dama: Taming and Training oneself; Khanti: Tolerance; Cāga: Generosity); Gihisukha (House-life Happiness), (Atthisukha: Bliss of Ownership; Bhogasukha: Bliss of Wealth; Anaṇasukha: Bliss of Debtlessness; Anavajjasukha: Bliss of Blamelessness); Four Bhogavibhāga (Fourfold Division of Money) (On one part he should live and do his duties towards others; with two parts he should expand his business; and he should save the fourth for a rainy day); Santosa (Contentment) (Yathālābha-Santosa: Contentment with what one gets and deserves to get; Yathābala-Santosa: Contentment with what is within one’s strength or capacity; Yathāsāruppa-Santosa: Contentment with what is befitting); Four Apāyamukha (Causes of ruin) (Itthīdhutta: seduction of women; Surādhutta: Drunkenness; Akkhaddutta: Indulgence in gambling; Pāpamitta: bad company); Six Apāyamukha (Ways of Squandering Wealth) (addiction to intoxicants; roaming the streets at unseemly hours; frequenting shows; indulgence in gambling; association with bad companies; habit of idleness).

The problem of debt of teachers in Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 5 is caused by their own expenses, family expenses, work expenses and social expenses with a mean score of 3.41, rated at a high level, causing an impact on lifestyle with a mean score of 3.22 rated at a high level.

The guidelines for using Buddhist principles in solving teachers’ debt problems are that the teachers should change their attitudes and values of life by applying the Buddhist Dhammas in their lives as follows: in terms of oneself, Four Gharāvāsa Dhammas should be applied in living (mean=3.97, high level), Gihisukha is used in solving debt problems (mean=4.27, high level); in the aspect of family, Four Bhogavibhāga should be applied (mean=3.91, high level); in terms of work, Santosa is used (mean=4.04, high level) and in terms of society, both Apāyamukha Dhammas should be used to create happiness in life (mean=4.51, highest level).

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How to Cite
Peakamen, S., Phra Soponphattanabundit, Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan, & Saññato, P. S. . . (2020). The Guidelines for Application of Buddhist Principles in Resolving the Problem of Teachers Debt under the Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 5. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(3), 60–77. Retrieved from
Research Article


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