The Success Managerial Model of The Herbal Products Community Enterprise. In The District of Nong Lek Amphoe Kosum Phisai Mahasarakham Province

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Kamontip Treedech


        The objectives of this research were to study 1) To study the management problems of the community enterprise in the herbal product group in Nong Lek Subdistrict Kosum Phisai District Mahasarakham province. 2) Analyze factors affecting success of community enterprise management of herbal product groups In NongLekSubdistrictKosumPhisai District Mahasarakham province. 3) The Development of Successful Management Model for Herbal Product Community Enterprise Groups in Nong Lek Subdistrict, Kosum Phisai District, Mahasarakham Province. The researcher used mixed research. And qualitative research using in-depth interviews. Amount 30 people. The research instrument was questionnaires. The unit of analysis was community enterprise committees in Herbal Product Group Nong Lek Subdistrict Kosum Phisai District Mahasarakham provinces, 167 people. The statistics for data analysis were frequency, percent, mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression.
        The result found as followed:
        1.The management problems of the community enterprise in the herbal product group Nong Lek Subdistrict Kosum Phisai District MahaSarakham Province Overall is at a high level. With details as follows Community potential In terms of having a market for products and sustainable business respectively
        2.The representatives opinion about the level of internal environmental factors and external environmental factors that related to the success of community enterprises in all aspects were in the high level when consider mean values of each dimension of internal and external factor; management competency leadership, memberships attitude, topographical problems in NongLekSubdistrictKosumPhisai District Mahasarakham province. and the and government policies.
        3.The multiple correlation between internal and external environmental factors and success of community enterprise were .805 in which leadership and memberships attitude could predict successful of community enterprise at a significance level of .05 with R2 = 64.80%.

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How to Cite
Treedech, K. . (2020). The Success Managerial Model of The Herbal Products Community Enterprise. In The District of Nong Lek Amphoe Kosum Phisai Mahasarakham Province . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(2), 144–158. Retrieved from
Research Article


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