The Security along the border of Local Administrative Organizations in Loei Province

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chomnong wongkhong
Phramaha Somsak Satisampanno
Phittayapol khongpong


        The objectives of the research were (1) to study problems on stability and security of people in border areas under local administrative organizations (LAOs) in Loei province, (2) to study stabilization processes for those people, and (3) to analyze stability problems of those people. The qualitative data were collected in the in-depth interview from certain key informants, selected through the purposive sampling method, and analyzed by the content analysis.
        The results of the research were found as follows:
        The stability problems of people in border areas under the LAOs in Loei were found from people’s security problems on politics, economy, social psychology, military, etc., including the spread of narcotics and drugs, Another problem was an illegal work because foreigners, contemporarily allowed to stay in Thailand
        The process of stabilization for those people was given rise to solve some critical problems, especially the rapid growth of the country’s border cities like Loei. The bloom of various economic activities with an enormous increase of border trade value was a sample of rapid growth. At the same time, the rapid rise had an effect to border city development. So. Besides it also needed the people’s participation in protecting and solving drugs problems, monitoring the progress of public relations on narcotics situation, drugs spread, drugs marketing
        The result of problem analysis on stability or security for people in border areas of Loei LAOs was found that those security problems were derived from narcotics and drugs, illegal foreign laborers, smuggling or contraband across the Mekong River and the Huang River as the borderlines. Association and commutation through immigration checkpoints, temporary checkpoints, cultural checkpoints and natural checkpoints gave rise to several problems, which had more effects on the country’s stability and international relations. Therefore, both countries agreed to establish the border peace keeping sub-committee.

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How to Cite
wongkhong, chomnong . ., Satisampanno, P. S. ., & khongpong , P. . . (2020). The Security along the border of Local Administrative Organizations in Loei Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(3), 16–28. Retrieved from
Research Article


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