The Guidelines for Educational Administration in the Digital Distribution Era

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Supattarasak Khumsamart
Sirintip Kuljittree
Kowit Juntapala


        Disruption theory is a three-step reasoning process that is the pursuit of exotic strategic thinking which regarded as the end and overthrow the old practices. When knowing and understand the convention from there, begin to refinement comparison with completely new ideas to be completely different. Known as disruption. Reform or change caused by the use of technology, Known as disruption. But all this must always be done with awareness of the established direction by instinct, experience and vision. Then rewrite the results of the refinement comparison is a new concept and vision to create outstanding recognition and contribute to the success of the awards created. Disruption is a success built on the foundations of opposition ideas that do not accept traditional practices and competitions. Therefore, Thai children should be developed in various fields to extract the potential and develop capabilities to compete at an international level.

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How to Cite
Khumsamart, . S., Kuljittree, S., & Juntapala , K. . (2020). The Guidelines for Educational Administration in the Digital Distribution Era. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(3), 245–259. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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