The Development of The Participatory Internal Supervision Model of Kalasin Provincial office of The Non-Formal and Informal Education

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Sanpet Siriket
Sutham Thamatasenahant


        This study aims 1) study the current situation and desirable situation of the school-patcipated internal supervision system under the Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education of Kalasin province 2) to develop the school- participated internal supervision system under the Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education of Kalasin province. The study was divided into 2 sessions, the first session was to study the current situation and desirable situation of the school-participated internal supervision system under the Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education of Kalasin province. The population of this study were administrators and teachers from an informal school for 138 people selected by stratified sampling and a questionnaire was the tool of this research. The second session was to develop the school-participated internal supervision system under the Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education of Kalasin province. The significant information was collected from two administrators and teachers designated to supervise schools from three schools, totally six people and the seven experts selected by purposive sampling. The tools employed in this research were an interview and the assessment used to assess the suitability and possibility of school-participated internal supervision system. The statistics employed in this study were percentage, average, standard deviation, IOC, item discrimination, TNI and PNI.

The result showed that

  1. The current situation of the school-participated internal supervision system under the Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education of Kalasin province in overall was in the high level and the desirable situation of the school-participated internal supervision system under the Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education of Kalasin province was in the highest level.

  2. The development of of the school-participated internal supervision system under the Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education of Kalasin province consists of 1) principle 2) objectives 3) operation consists of 5 methods as 3.1) supervision preparation 3.2) approach and practical methods of supervision 3.3) relevant tools for supervision 3.4) supervision operation 3.5) summary and supervision assessment 4) assessment 5) success condition and the result of the assessment of the suitability of the school-participated internal supervision system was highest level and the assessment of possibility was highest level.

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How to Cite
Siriket, . S. ., & Thamatasenahant, S. . (2020). The Development of The Participatory Internal Supervision Model of Kalasin Provincial office of The Non-Formal and Informal Education. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(3), 107–123. Retrieved from
Research Article


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