The Development of Learning Activities on Performance Skills in fon “Roi-et Petch Ngam” Based-on Davies’ Instructional Model for the 4th Grade Students in Primary School

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Intira Depan


        The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop learning activities on performance skills in fon“Roi-et Petch Ngam” based-on Davies’ instructional model for the 4th Grade students in Primary School, 2) to investigate performance skills of the students after using the learning activities through Davies’ instructional model, and 3) to examine students’ satisfaction towards learning activities in the performance skills. The sample, acquired by cluster random sampling, was 45 students at 4th Grade studying in the second semester of academic year 2019 of The Holy Infant Jesus Roi-et School, Mueang Roi-et district, Roi-Et. The research tools consisted of: 1) 8 Learning activity plans based-on Davies’ model (16 hours), 2) Evaluation form of the performance skills with discriminating powers ranging 0.57-0.76 and 3) 10-item satisfaction questionnaire on learning activities. Statistic used for data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation.
        The findings revealed that: 1) the development of learning activities on performance skills in fon “Roi-et Petch Ngam” based-on Davies’ instructional model for the 4th Grade students at high respectively (x ̅ = 4.67, S.D. = 0.38), 2) 81.56 percent of students had average scores of the performance skills  scores after using Davies’ instructional model , and 3) student’s satisfaction on the learning activities was in overall rated “highest” (x ̅ = 4.90, S.D. = 0.11).

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How to Cite
Depan , I. . (2020). The Development of Learning Activities on Performance Skills in fon “Roi-et Petch Ngam” Based-on Davies’ Instructional Model for the 4th Grade Students in Primary School. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(3), 168–184. Retrieved from
Research Article


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