Development of Learning Activities on Performance Skills in “Fon Pha Mai Lai Dok Mali” Folk Dance via Supplementary Occupations and Related TechniquesBan Don Li Project as Learning Resources Maha Sarakham Province

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Junjira Parathang


        This research aimed to effectively develop learning activities of performance skills in “Fon Pha Mai Lai Dok Mali” folk dance via Supplementary Occupations and Related Techniques Ban Don Li Project as learning resources on the learning area of Arts (Dramatic Arts) for 5th Grade students in Primary school, to evaluate students’ performance skills in “Fon Pha Mai Lai Dok Mali” folk dance, and to examine students’ attitude towards the learning activities. The research samples were 11 students at 5th Grade studying in the second semester of academic year 2019 at Ban Non Sung Don Li School under the Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The research tools consisted of: 1) a total of 6 learning activity plans for 12 hours of instruction, 2) Evaluation form of the performance skills, and 3) Test of learning attitude towards the learning activities. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation.
        The research findings revealed that
        1) experts’ opinion in appropriate of lesson plans was rated “high”,
        2) 9 out of 11 students which is 81.81 percent of whom learned with the learning activities were rated “high” on performance skills, and 3) students’ attitude towards the learning activities was in overall rated “high”.

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How to Cite
Parathang, J. . (2020). Development of Learning Activities on Performance Skills in “Fon Pha Mai Lai Dok Mali” Folk Dance via Supplementary Occupations and Related TechniquesBan Don Li Project as Learning Resources Maha Sarakham Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(3), 154–167. Retrieved from
Research Article


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