Integrating Buddhism and Progressive Development with New Theory of Agriculture

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Phramaha Kongpai Sãkaro (Ketsakorn)
Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan


        This article is a presentation. Integrating Buddhist Dharma in Progressive Development and Agricultural Theory New with the aim of managing soil and water resources for agriculture. In the smallest land for maximum benefit Enable farmers to support themselves Have income to spend in the family With food for consumption throughout the year It is the average risk of not causing damage when the market or the environment fluctuates or crises. It is a production process with sufficient economy. Stick to the principles of self-reliance Does not destroy the natural environment There is a systematic action plan. Coordination and strengthening in the community. However, the application of the new agricultural theory must have a clear understanding Know how to be flexible Can be adjusted to suit each area Integrating Buddhist principles with principles of progressive development with new agricultural theories as well. The principle of the Sappurisadhamma 7 is effective, including living a life that is well-known, having a cool mind, waiting to know the possibility of the community in which he has that culture and belief. Recognize, respect and respect the opinions of others

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How to Cite
Sãkaro (Ketsakorn) , P. K. ., & Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan. (2020). Integrating Buddhism and Progressive Development with New Theory of Agriculture. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(4), 185–195. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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