Disaster and management of Thai farmers

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Naphason Saiyodtong
Vanvisa Chamchoy
Chot Bodeerat


        Water is a valuable resource for the life of Thai farmers. At the same time, the problems arising from water resources are no less common. Systematic water management solves problems. Crises can be both short-term and long-term to achieve sustainable management. This academic article aims to study the management of Thai agriculture to modify agricultural methods as a guideline for disaster prevention that arise. It is planned to deal with disasters that arise in accordance with 2P2R principles: prevention, preparedness, response and remediation. In order to plan for solving the problems for farmers, In addition, Agriculture has modified the agricultural method based on the theoretical sufficiency, with some farmers adapting new farming methods to Khok Nong Na model and planting trees 3. 4 things and benefits to serve as a guideline for the management of valuable resources It is a management agricultural plan. To prevent and prepare If there is another disaster such as flood, drought Disease and insect infestation problems, etc.

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How to Cite
Saiyodtong, N. ., Chamchoy , V. ., & Bodeerat , C. . (2020). Disaster and management of Thai farmers. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(4), 173–184. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/243195
Academic Article


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