The Relation of Hindu’moralities to Society

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wichian sanmee


        The objectives of this article was to discuss the Hindu moralities which are embodied in the Vedas and Smriti scriptures. This discussion also includes the Hindu way of life, which is related from both traditional and modern point of view. Morality is not to be had as a separate study in Indian Philosophical and religious literature. It remaining embedded within the general organization of philosophy and religion. In order to study morality therefore, it is necessary that the ethical elements should be extricated from their general religious and philosophical settings. Irrespective of the philosophies, it is possible to trace in broad outline certain fundamental standard of morality with which all the philosophies of Hinduism deal.
        The fundamental standard of morality in Hinduism is mainly derived from metaphysical and theological views, which are based upon the teachings of the Sruti scriptures, the Vedas. There are a lot of Smriti scripture to add moral principles and virtues in detailed manners i.e. the Rāmāyana, the Bhagavadgítā,  and the six systems of philosophy etc., are accepted as the Hindu moralities in the present time also. Each and every moral idea of man in Hinduism supports the attainment of the highest goal, that is, salvation, which is identical with Brahman.

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How to Cite
sanmee, wichian. (2020). The Relation of Hindu’moralities to Society. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 333–347. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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