The model of life style based on buddhadhamma of hiv-infected peoplein phrabatnampu temple, lopburi province

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Chatree Payi
Phrakhru Sudhikhamphirayan
Phramahamit titapanyo


        This research aims were (1) to study state of peoblem of HIV affected people at Wat Phabatnampu Lopburi province (2) to study life style of HIV affected people at Wat Phabatnampu and (3) to present the model ife style of HIV affected people at Wat Phabatnampu Lopburi province. This research is qualitative and field work study. 
        The results of study were found that the state of HIV affected people ,Wat Phrabatnampu, Lopburi province were divided into 4 aspects 1) body, the outside characteristics clearly appeared i.e. thin the weight was reduced, skin was black and dry the immunity from  infected body.2)Mental aspect, the bad mental state, lost heart and felt him/her self useless. 3) social aspect, the HIV affected person felt that he /she was useless, no moral support and no aim of life. 4) Economic aspect, the HIV affected person has no income then no money for spending about food-stuff, especially, the four requisites increased double. Buddhist doctrines in daily life of the HIV affected person i.e. the Threefold training, Sila is principle of social environmental relationship development to have efficiency and proficiency on the mental aspect .Wisdom is knowledge all being things. Analysis and investigation the cause of all things clearly. The Three Characteristics i.e, impermanence, state of suffering and soullessness, the qualitaties of a good friend i. e. good friend ,affection, familiar, generous, a good heart, hope for benefits to oneself and others.
        The life style model of the HIV affected person of Wat Phrabatnampu, Lopburi province. The HIV affected person had life style based on Buddha Dhamma doctrines. They brought the Threefold training which is foundation of believers. It begun from the precepts observation by belief that the precepts observation will create a good health, cultivation practice for strong and peaceful mind in fighting against germs. It linked with the Three Characteristics by considering to impermanence, state of suffering and soullessness according to the truth. It withdraw clinging to surroundings, there was no worry if there is a good health. The HIV affected person had a confidence in oneself, be a volunteer to help more weak friends, there was a compassion for others and self-worth.

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How to Cite
Payi, C. . ., Phrakhru Sudhikhamphirayan, & titapanyo, P. . (2020). The model of life style based on buddhadhamma of hiv-infected peoplein phrabatnampu temple, lopburi province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(4), 118–132. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Chatree Payi, มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัยวิทยาเขตขอนแก่น

วิทยาเขตขอนแก่น นิสิตปริญญาเอก สาขาพุทธศาสนา


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