The Participation of Potential Development to the Member of Women Empowerment Fund of Kamphaeng Saen district, Nakhon Pathom Province

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Kunprapat Lumpungjit
Phatharaporn Jaipheng


        The aims of this study were 1) to study the participation of potential development to the member of Women Empowerment Fund of Kamphaeng Saen district, 2) to study the relationship between  participation of member of Women Empowerment Fund of Kamphaeng Saen district and the potential development to the member of Women Empowerment Fund of Kamphaeng Saen district, and 3) to study the approach for enhancing more participation of potential development to the member of Women Empowerment Fund of Kamphaeng Saen district. The mixed-method research was used in this study. The samples of quantitative study were the member of Women Empowerment Fund of Kamphaeng Saen district, a total of 346 persons,  which were collected by questionnaires,. The informants of qualitative study were consisted of (1) subcommittee of Women Empowerment Fund (2) member of Women Empowerment Fund, and (3) community development specialist, a total of 20 persons, which were collected by in-depth interview forms.
        The research findings were as follows: 1) the overall average of the participation of potential development to the member of Women Empowerment Fund of Kamphaeng Saen district was in high level, 2) the participation of member of Women Empowerment Fund of Kamphaeng Saen district had statistically significant positive correlation with the potential development to the member of Women Empowerment Fund of Kamphaeng Saen district on a moderate level at .01 level, and 3) the approach for enhancing more participation of potential development to the member of Women Empowerment Fund of Kamphaeng Saen district, is to give an opportunity to the member of Women Empowerment Fund of Kamphaeng Saen district for participating in project proposal that meet the requirement, to create a sense of belonging and  drive the project in all activities with full of capacity.

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How to Cite
Lumpungjit, K. ., & Jaipheng, P. . (2020). The Participation of Potential Development to the Member of Women Empowerment Fund of Kamphaeng Saen district, Nakhon Pathom Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(4), 40–50. Retrieved from
Research Article


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