The institute administration on idddhipada iv of Nadoon district undermahasarakarm office of Education primary education service area 2

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Phra Apinun Kuntasilo (Singmada)
Sunton Saykum
Chao Athikan Boonchuay Chotivungso


        This research aimed to 1) to study the administration of educational institutions according to the Idddhipada IV in the basic education institutions 2) to compare the administration of educational institutions according to the Idddhipada IV in the basic educational institutions 3) to propose guidelines for promote The administration of educational institutes according to the Idddhipada IV in the basic education institutions The research model was a mixed methodology research. Summarize the research results according to the research objectives.
        The research results were found that.1. The administration of educational institutes according to the Idddhipada IV, overall and in practice aspects were at a high level. The side with the highest mean was Wimangsa, followed by Chitta and Side of me, respectively The side with the lowest mean was persistence.2. The results of comparative analysis classified by personal information Of respondents Overall and each aspect was no different. 3. Guidelines for promoting the administration of educational institutes according to Idddhipada IV Integration with all activities within the school By working together to plan To achieve efficacy and empirical effectiveness Able to prove success in concrete.
        In order to make the administration of educational institutions according to the Idddhipada IV to achieve empirical results There should be an integrated operational plan that covers the entire organization. So that efficiency and effectiveness can prove tangible.

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How to Cite
Kuntasilo (Singmada), P. A. ., Saykum, S. ., & Chotivungso, C. A. B. . . (2020). The institute administration on idddhipada iv of Nadoon district undermahasarakarm office of Education primary education service area 2. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(4), 62–70. Retrieved from
Research Article


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