Developing 4th Grade Students’ Creative Thinking and Learning Achievement in Changes and Environmental Conservation within the Province through the 6 - Hats Technique

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Pratumwan Chainam
Sangdean Kongnawong


        The objectives of the present research study were 1) to develop 4th grade students’ creative thinking in changes and environmental conservation within the province through the 6-Hats Technique so that the students made a mean achievement score of 80% or better and at least 80% of the students passed the criterion and 2) to develop the students’ learning achievement on changes and environmental conservation within the province through the 6-Hats Technique so that the students made a mean learning achievement score of 80% or better and at least 80% of the students passed the criterion.  The target group consisted of 30 grade-4 students in Ban Sai-ngarm Noen-pudin School, under Bueng-gan Primary Education Office, Kai Sub-district, Sopisai District, Bueng-gan Province, during the second semester of the 2019 academic year.  The study employed the One-Group Posttest Only Design for the experiment.  Three categories of research instrument were used in the study, i.e. 1) 5 social studies lesson plans on the topic of Changes and Environmental Conservation within the Province which took 10 instructional periods to finish, 2) a creative thinking test and 3) a learning achievement test. The collected data were analyzed by means of percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation.
        The findings show that: 1)  The students made a mean achievement score of 16.90 or 84.50% of the full marks on creative thinking on the topic of Changes and Environmental Conservation within the Province through the 6-Hats Technique  (S.D. = 0.25), and 29 students or 96.67% of the group, passed the 80% criterion which is higher than the prescribe criterion.
        2)The students made a mean learning achievement score of 26.60% or 88.67% of the full marks on the topic of Changes and Environmental Conservation within the Province (S.D. = 1.99), and 29 students or 96.67%  of the group, passed the 80% criterion which is higher than the prescribe criterion.

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How to Cite
Chainam , P. ., & Kongnawong, S. . (2020). Developing 4th Grade Students’ Creative Thinking and Learning Achievement in Changes and Environmental Conservation within the Province through the 6 - Hats Technique. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(4), 133–144. retrieved from
Research Article


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