Living the Buddhist approach to solve the debt problems of farmers in Thailand

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Supharat Thongpliw
Kullachar Bunklason
Kampanart Wongwatthanaphong


        If a man diligent about keeping the estate. Still good friends And have sufficient life or the eye as one of the teachings of Buddhism. Aimed at providing mankind to live a simpler, less extravagant, lavish spending is to some extent the funds are acquired. Do not become slaves of passion Ambition is too This could be a barrier to the frustration of life and the economic crisis at all levels as well. Life is immune to the wave of change in the world. By ti l l Grantham Bugatti is useful for the promotion of agriculture. In accordance with the philosophy of sufficiency economy. Create a line of existence and behavior of human beings at every level, from the family, community and state levels. Both in developing and managing international operations in the Middle or Middle Way. The economic development to catch up to the globalized world. Law requires Ticketmaster Grantham Vegas is perfected or principle that is going to benefit.

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How to Cite
Thongpliw , S. ., Bunklason , K. ., & Wongwatthanaphong , K. . (2020). Living the Buddhist approach to solve the debt problems of farmers in Thailand. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(4), 254–265. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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