The Community Development Based Buddhist Way of Life

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Tarita Tangseng
Natthawipa Thongrung
Kampanart wongwatthanaphong


        The development of shuns is essential and essential to help bridge the social gap and eliminate poverty in the community. Which requires cooperation from all parties Including government, private sector, community organization, academics and business organization To eradicate poverty Community development according to the Buddhist way of life affecting the local community development in 5 issues: 1) Community management based on the real way 2) Community management for the benefit of life 3) Community management based on the truth. 4) Community management based on peace of mind, and 5) Community management based on the solidarity of the people in the community, these 5 issues are to be the key to community development for the people in the community to be good people. Know how to live a sufficient life Diligent in finding and maintaining wealth Including being a generous society Share knowledge, convey Culture And give useful advice to each other to be the pillar of life

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How to Cite
Tangseng, T. ., Thongrung, N. ., & wongwatthanaphong , K. . . (2020). The Community Development Based Buddhist Way of Life. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(4), 239–253. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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