Approach of The 5 precepts Observant Villages Proyect Administration of Sangha Administrative Officer in Udonthani Province

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Phramaha Kongpai Sãkaro (Ketsakorn)
Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan
Phramaha Mit Thitapañño


         This research study The objectives are to: 1) study the 5 precepts in Theravada Buddhism 2) study the management of the 5 Sangha Village Project in Udon Thani Province 3) Guidelines for the administration of the 5 Sangha Village Project of the Sangha in Udon Thani Province This research is a qualitative research. By conducting research from documents, academic textbooks, books, thesis works, and various research works as well as conducting field research. The data was collected by interviewing a group of 31 key informants / person analyzing the data by Descriptive method
        The results of the research revealed that the five precepts in Theravada Buddhism It is a practice that raises awareness of the value of life and the environment. And does not cause physical violence Do not do it yourself or involve others to do it. Including knowing that the action would have resulted in violence but not prevent The precepts also include acts of violence and the persecution of humans, animals, nature that are connected with humans. Including helping and supporting those who have been suffering Resulting in good welfare and quality of life

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How to Cite
Sãkaro (Ketsakorn), P. K. ., Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan, & Thitapañño , P. M. . (2020). Approach of The 5 precepts Observant Villages Proyect Administration of Sangha Administrative Officer in Udonthani Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 123–137. Retrieved from
Research Article


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