The Marketing Mix in Customer Perspective which Influence the Buying Descision of Science Equipment Products in Online Customers

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Manaschanok Ariyadetch
Bussagorn Leejoeiwara


        The objectives of this research aimedto study the marketing mix in customer perspective which influence the buying descision of science equipment products in online customers. This research is a quantitative research that used convenience sampling. Sampling group included 400 social media users, whom bought the science equipment products. The questionnaires were a tool used to collection data. The questionnaires had alpha cronbach at 0.87. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple logistic regression analysis to analyze the information at the confidence level of 95%..
        The following were the results: The marketing mix factors in the customers’ views which influenced their science tools buying decisions comprised nine factors as follows:
1) science tools safety, 2) high quality at a reasonable price, 3) “collect of delivery” payment method, 4) variousand responsive sales channels, 5) up-to-date science tools information, 6) responsive sales staff, 7) transit warranty, 8) correctness in sending items, and 9) fast shipping with responsibility for any problems occurred. The accuracy in prediction was 73.00%. The result of this study can yield benefits to science tools sellersin the aspect of marketing strategy planning.

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How to Cite
Ariyadetch, M. ., & Leejoeiwara, B. . (2020). The Marketing Mix in Customer Perspective which Influence the Buying Descision of Science Equipment Products in Online Customers. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 100–111. Retrieved from
Research Article


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