Evaluation For Bachelor of education Program in teaching english (5years) (Revised curriculum B.E. 2556), Faculty of education, mahamakut Buddhist University

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Pradit Srinonyang
Banchob Chotichai
Kittiphat Thawongsa
Phollaphat Aphaiso
Yachurawate Hongsiri


        The objective of the research was to evaluate the Bachelor of Education Program in Teaching English (5 Years) (Revised Curriculum B.E. 2556), Faculty of Education, Mahamakut Buddhist University, classified by the compatibility with four CIPP indicators. The research was conducted under the mixed methodology. The data were collected from the fifth-year students in the academic year of 2562, undergraduate students, program lecturers and undergraduate users. The instruments of the research were comprised of (1) TQF2 or the curriculum of the Bachelor of Education Program in Teaching English (5 Years) (Revised Curriculum B.E. 2556), (2) Program Satisfaction Survey of Existing Students and Undergraduates, (3) Satisfaction Survey of Undergraduate Users, (4) Student/Undergraduate Satisfaction with Curriculum and Complaint Management, (5) Lecturer Satisfaction with Curriculum Management, and (6) CIPP-based Curriculum Assessment. The statistics used for data analysis were comprised of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and the content analysis.
        The findings of the research were as follows: (1) From the CIPP-based assessment outcome, in terms of the Curriculum Context, the satisfaction of students and undergraduates was found to be at a high level (= 3.95). (2) In terms of the Curriculum Input, the satisfaction of the students was found to be at a high level (= 3.94). (3) In terms of the Curriculum Process, the satisfaction of the lecturers with curriculum management was found to overall at a high level (= 3.93) whereas the satisfaction of existing students and undergraduates with curriculum quality was found to be overall at a high level (= 4.45). (4) In terms of the Curriculum Product, the satisfaction of students on characteristics of developed students was found to be overall at a high level (= 3.96); the satisfaction of undergraduate users with TQF-based undergraduate quality was also found to be at a high level (= 3.96)

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How to Cite
Srinonyang, P. ., Chotichai, B. ., Thawongsa, K., Aphaiso , P. ., & Hongsiri, Y. (2020). Evaluation For Bachelor of education Program in teaching english (5years) (Revised curriculum B.E. 2556), Faculty of education, mahamakut Buddhist University. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 182–196. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/244376
Research Article


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