Exertion Implementation of Civil Servats in Muang Loei district, Loei province

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Phramaha Jinkamon Abhiratano
Techatat Paksangkhane
Taweesak Khaibut


        The objectives of the research were (1) to study the exertion implementation of civil servants in Mueang Loei district, Loei province, and (2) to compare the exertion implementation of civil servants in Mueang Loei district, Loei province, to their level of exertion implementation in the daily life, classified by gender, work experience, salary, position and agency. The data of the research were analyzed through frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, the t-test for independent samples, and the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) by the F-test method. In case two paired differences were found, Scheffé’s method was utilized.
        The results of the research were found as follows: (1) Effort implementation of civil servants with different genders, salaries, positions ang agencies in Mueang Loei district, Loei province, was found not to be different at a statistically significant level of .05. However, for civil servants with different work experiences, it was found to be overall different at a statistically significant level of .05. Considered separately and classified by the civil servants’ average years of work experience, understanding of effort for civil servants with 21-30 years of work experience was found to be at a high level (X ̅ = 4.48), followed by those with higher 31 years (X ̅ = 4.25). In addition, effort implementation of civil servants with 21-30 years of work experience was found to be at a high level (X ̅ = 4.37). (2) In the comparison of overall averages, both aspects – understanding and implementation of effort – for civil servants with 21-30 years of work experience were found to be the highest (X ̅ = 4.42), followed by those with higher 31 years (X ̅ = 4.25)


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How to Cite
Abhiratano, P. J. ., Paksangkhane, T., & Khaibut, T. . (2020). Exertion Implementation of Civil Servats in Muang Loei district, Loei province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 298–308. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/244377
Research Article


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