Painting Isan : Community Management for Buddhist and Culture Tourism

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Adun Lanwong
Phramaha Yothin Yodhiko
Phra Panuwat Chuntawatthano


        The objectives of this research were : 1) to study the routes and tourist attraction in Buddhist art in the form of Painting Isan of temples in the northeastern region  2) to study of community participation in the management of Buddhist art tourism destinations of the northeastern temples. And 3) to analyze community participatory management and the impact of tourism on Buddhist art in Isan. This research is a qualitative study which using data collection from documents, and field data by defining the areas in the central northeastern region of 3 provinces, namely KhonKaen, 4 temples, 4 MahaSarakham temples and 4 Roi Et temples, totaling 12 places.
        The result of research found that Buddhism and cultural tourism routes can be divided into 2 parts, which are routes within the community, and the route connecting the province; and cultural sites in the central northeastern region, especially cultural sites that are related to Buddhist Painting, the point that is before the Buddhist era Year 1957 is considered to be influenced by Buddhism like Lan Chang, combined with folklore beliefs. For Buddhist art routes and sites in the central northeastern. There have many differences art of region. There are outstanding in the painting that is clear and diverse. As for community participation in the management of Buddhist art tourism sites of temples in the northeastern region, it can be divided into 3 groups: 1) Participatory learning groups through the Wisdom Learning Center. Joint management of the network and 3) groups that still lack concrete management. As for the impact of tourism on Buddhist art in Isan, this research presents 4 impacts which are tourism impact Cultural impact, impact of life style of people in the community;and the impact of participation / unity of the community

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How to Cite
Lanwong, A. . ., Yodhiko , P. Y. ., & Chuntawatthano , P. P. . (2020). Painting Isan : Community Management for Buddhist and Culture Tourism. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(5), 158–168. Retrieved from
Research Article


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