Service Quality Affecting Customer Loyalty of Auto Parts Shop Business in Nongbualamphu Province.

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Surat Phupattarajinda
Ratchada Phakdeeying


        The objectives of this study were 1) To study the demographic factors that affect customer loyalty towards auto parts shops, and 2) to identify the service quality factors that influence customer loyalty towards auto parts shops in Nongbualamphu province. This study is a quantitative research using questionnaires to collect data from samples of 180 customers who used the service of auto parts shops in Nongbualamphu province. The statistics used in this study for analyzing data were percentage, average, standard deviation, T-test, One-Way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis.
        The results of the study revealed that 1) The differences of genders, educations, and careers do not significantly affect the loyalty of samples toward auto parts shops in Nongbualanphu province. In contrast, the differences in age and income showed significant differences. 2) The service quality had a positive effect on customer loyalty of auto parts shops in Nongbualamphu province. It indicated that the service quality factors such as reliability, trust, tangible objects, attention, and customer response affect customer loyalty of auto parts shops in Nongbualamphu province significantly with a statistical level of 0.01. The entrepreneurs of auto parts shop business should sell the certified goods, issue the warranty document, create advertising media and promotions according to occasions, and provide on-site replacement service

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How to Cite
Phupattarajinda, S. ., & Phakdeeying, R. . (2020). Service Quality Affecting Customer Loyalty of Auto Parts Shop Business in Nongbualamphu Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(6), 116–127. Retrieved from
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