Building The Social Measures Management On Tourism Sustainable Case Study In Korum District, Uttaradit Province

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Waraporn Atsawalapsakun
Waraporn Au-sab
Chaiyaphum Chanaphai
Wichai Chuapisutkun
Narueporn Pimmongkol
Parichat Boonrueang
Watchara Tangted
Kochakron Kiewarun


        This research utilizes mixed methodologies. It aims first, to study the context of Ko-rum’s local wisdom and culture as social measures to manage tourism; second, to promote all involved parties, such as local leaders and partnered organizations, to participate in tourism management by creating social measures to create sustainable tourism management for Ko-rum subdistrict, Uttaradit; and third, to create social measures for sustainable tourism management for Ko-rum subdistrict, Uttaradit. The target groups of the research are, highly qualified Thai tourists, local leaders, directors of local administration organizations, locals, homestays operators, and local restaurant owners. The instrument of the research are interviews and survey. This study collects data from 100 Thai tourists. The qualitative data was analyzed through content analysis process.  And the quantitative data was analyzed though averages, using a sociological computer application.
        The results are the requirement of key informant to management on tourism cooperation in Social measures management on tourism sustainable Case study in Korum District, Uttaradit Province, consists of main point 11 sections of 1) Establish and improve the tourism 2) Tourism environment preserving 3) Tourism management 4) Tourism activities 5) Tourism service developing 6) Accommodation management. 7) Staffs developing for tourism business. 8) Establish and disseminate the tourism knowledge. 9) Disseminate and public the tourism. 10) Tourism commodity. 11) Tourism security and provision.

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How to Cite
Atsawalapsakun , W. ., Au-sab, W. ., Chanaphai, C. ., Chuapisutkun, W. ., Pimmongkol, N., Boonrueang, . P., Tangted, W. ., & Kiewarun, K. . (2020). Building The Social Measures Management On Tourism Sustainable Case Study In Korum District, Uttaradit Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(6), 225–232. Retrieved from
Research Article


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