Causes of Drug Addiciton: Case study of Khum Srabua Community, Nai Muang Sub-district, Muang District, Roi-et Province

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Nattapong Naudom
Supawatanakorn Wongthanavasu


        This research question is as follow how are the causes of drug addiction in Khum Srabua Community, Nai Muang Sub-district, Muang District, Roi-et Province? The aim of this study is to study the causes of drug addiction in Khum Sa Bua community, Nai Mueang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Roi Et Province. Data were collected from a review of the related literature, personal interviews, and observation. The interviews include 13 key informants: 5 people who have been arrested in drug cases and have received rehabilitation treatment programs; 3 local policemen; 2 people who are other agency staff involved in drug addiction treatment; and three local residents. Researcher selects a sample with purposive sampling that based on their information about the study.
        This study found that the causes of drug addicition in the Khum Srabua Community can be classified 6 causes as follows: (1) Individual characteristic of the addict, such as self-curiosity, Prank; (2) Family factors, such as neglect/dysfunction, lack of time spent to teach children about not becoming addicted, or family dissolution; (3) Environmental factors, such as the community is a condition of crowded places of residence where has low-income shanties, and it is a source of addiction and drug trafficking, peer influence, and drug availability. (4) Economic factors, some people in Khum Srabua are unemployed and lack sufficient income, suffer from stress, and have too much free time; (5) Employment: the types of jobs that are available are labor-intensive and long work days, and workers feel the need to use drugs to help them get through the work and be alert; and (6) Attitudes: Some of the drug users started to use drugs in order to make them more attractive, or maintain their figure. However, after a period of time, they became addicted to the drugs.

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How to Cite
Naudom, N. ., & Wongthanavasu, S. . (2020). Causes of Drug Addiciton: Case study of Khum Srabua Community, Nai Muang Sub-district, Muang District, Roi-et Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(6), 102–115. Retrieved from
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